FAQ: Apostille of a document from Brazil. Sworn translations in Italy

Question: Goodmorning, I would like to ask for information on the Apostille of a document from Brazil. I was asked to legalize the document in Italy and I would like to know what Office I should go to (Prefettura, Court, etc.). And what is the procedure that I should follow?

Answer: The document should have received the Apostille in Brazil. Even if the Apostille has not been issued, you can still have it translated from Portuguese to Italian and have the translation sworn at the Court of Rome, without the Apostille.

Question: No Apostille was applied to the document in Brazil, but the document has already been translated and I would like to apply the Apostille to it in Italy. Does it make sense?

Answer: No, it does not. If the document has already been translated, you have two options:

  1. If you are in Brazil, you can have the translation sworn there, and the Apostille applied there.
  2. If you are in Rome already, I can revise the translation of the document and, after revision, I can swear the translation at the Court of Rome. No Apostille is needed then.

For more questions on sworn translations from Portuguese to Italian in Rome and Apostille, contact info@speakando.net or call +39 3336841604 for a free quote.